Create awareness behind the idea that what you think is what you become. And how to think to overcome adversity.
Help conscious minded high performers understand the benefits of a healthy body and how combined with a healthy mind will unleash even greater potential.
Provide quality information and tools to allow others to cash in on their efforts and build up a foundation of mental and physical resources that they can call on when needed.
Do you live your MISSION?
Are you holding back from fully stepping into your potential of being the best you can be in your sport ? Are you hiding in the comfort, safety and security of relying on talent alone?
I was there!
Or maybe you've hit a plateau, or your stuck in a rut or maybe coming off an injury and it's taken 120% of your time, energy and resources staring down this massive vision you have for the NEXT level and wondering ... "How the hell am I going to get there when it's taken everything in me just to get here?"
I can feel that too!
If you're an athlete you're aware that sports careers are not forever. We all share a vision for serving ourselves as best we can while we can. Giving everything we have to our passion and the team to provide massive success and value through a long career eventually being able to retire to have the time and freedom to spend life the way we want to after sports. Is it possible? Have you thought that far ahead?
So why are so many mission-driven athletes and professionals living a life of stress, overwhelm, worry and frustration while struggling to get their career to the level of impact that would allow them to truly feel successful AND be happy?
Why do many feel like they are never as far along as they should be, that they are never doing enough and that it’s never good enough? Even with "fame and success of being in the spotlight"?
Why do they spend so much time comparing themselves to other athletes or peers or to a standard that isn’t even appropriate for where they are in the growth of their career?
I got you covered here!
These questions and many more are answered through the Mindset Body Bank program.
So join me as we explore the connection between your mind and your body to allow you to be in control when things seem out of control and to develop the tools and routines to have at your disposal when life comes knocking!
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Rob Pallante Feature Presentation - Life Through Hockey Virtual Summit

PT1 Mind of athlete Final
As seen On TV News :
Parent Playbook. Watch on Global News.